Blueberry jelly with basil cream

A really tasty jelly dessert with a summery basil cream. This seems very retro to me, so many happy early memories eating jelly, I think it’s almost fashionable again!

Blueberry jelly

A few ingredients –

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Rinse the blueberries in cold water. Place in a pan with a heaped teaspoon of sugar over a gentle heat, shaking the pan from time to time until the berries start to burst and the lovely purple juice starts to ooze.

Place a leaf and a half of gelatine into a shallow bowl of water for a few minutes.

Strain the berries over a bowl catching all the juice and press through a sieve. Put the juice back into the pan. Add 100 ml of water or diluted elderflower cordial. Squeeze the gelatine and add the softened gelatine to the pan stirring gently until it has dissolved. Strain the mix through a sieve into jug and pour into 2 pretty glasses or bowl. Chill til set, about an hour.

Blueberry jelly

Roll 6 basil leaves together into a cigar shape, slice and mix into 150ml of double cream.  Add a little sugar just before serving, remove the leaves and put a dollop on top of the jelly, a basil leaf to decorate!

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